Watch Mad Max Fury Road online free

Watch Mad Max Fury Road online free. This Mad Max is supremely surreal/Dali, absolutely fascinating even. This one, like the first 3 films, we get to suspend disbelief as the movie projects, thrusting us into the post-apocalyptic world, with anthropological and sociological elements we could believe it. Don't get me wrong, this movie is the best of the series, the unforgivable. Mad Max and The Road Warrior were convincing in it's tribalism, brutality and uncompromising violence I'm sure is true is burned into my survivalist memory. I'm not a hater, but massive dune buggies, rock playing mutants and an oxygen breathing madman? No way. Miller, you messed up bad. What happened to Max, a "shell of a man" who hasn't quite lost his humanity, only long forgotten and buried it. In this way this movie pisses me off, in the same way "The Phantom Menace" did. And yet, 9 out of 10. MILLER, you'r awesome!!!

I hated this movie. I never got into the world or the characters. Perhaps it was the Mad Max of old and my nostalgia for that world but this was so different and less real than the world of the original Max. Max was leaden. He seemed almost irrelevant and I couldn't care for him. Furiousa was better and brought some interest to the adventure. Nux was just Nicholas Hoult in bad make-up. I don't generally like movies with endless fight and action scenes and this pushed that genre to the extreme. In the end it was plot free, character free nonsense. Click movie 365 watch movies free.

But. I can understand the appeal both to the action fan and to wider cinema audiences. The visuals were stunning, the world was unique and the pace and intensity was startling. Immerse yourself in the world and the action and I could understand this could reach 10 out of 10 proportions. I never got there and sadly hated every minute. Just a personal view. First I loved the original Mad Max films, OK Thunderdome was a bit iffy but it was OK. This has to be the worst film I have seen this year and I was so looking forward to it. I have seen others call it a masterpiece or work or genius. I don't know what planet they are living on.. No real story and Tom Hardy who is a great actor only spoke about 25 lines in the whole movie. The actions scenes are great and the whole film is action scenes but we know nothing about the characters. Most of the film seems to be a rehash of the chase at the end of Mad Max 2 But with Mad max 2 there was a character build up.This is one film I will not be adding to my DVD collection If I had paid to see this I would be knocking down the door for a refund!!!

Way to go America, stuff up another good yarn! Absolute rubbish, there is no story, no acting and it is an altogether pathetic attempt at entertainment...the main actors have submitted an incredibly wooden performance with Tom Hardy doing a merely token bit part that seems to require nothing but stupid looks and constant confusion, and Charlize Theron attempting to unsuccessfully convey some semblance of acting ability. Good grief, who are they aiming this rubbish at...two year olds? P.S. and the half-wits that are waxing lyrical about it should take the time to wipe their collective chin.

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