Watch watch rampage online free on zmovies

Watch rampage online free on zmovies now. 16 April 2018 Second fIlm of Choice at The Plaza Dorchester Tonight - Rampage. When man interferes with nature, it always goes wrong, you think people would learn but why do they have to when Dwayne Johnson is there to save the day!!! Inspired by a video game I'm not familiar with, Rampage is as corny as they come, yet with monsters as gargantuan to the species as Dwayne Johnson is to his, this film somehow works. A science experiment, in the eyes of many, has gone wrong, but in the greedy money grabbing eyes of the people who are in control of the scientists, everything is right on track to make their fortune. 

Throw the military into the mix and you have a typical Hollywood all action disaster film. Once again Chicago bears the brunt, and it's such visual feast of varying shaped buildings, interspersed with bridges, waterways, a raised railway transit system and a huge lake next to it, it must be a movie makers delight to base it as the battlefield of all manner of horror/disaster/saving humanity stories, and I for one love seeing it used as a set for such film genres. This film will not win any best actor awards, but the special effects guys should get a look in. Moments of humour intersect all the dramatic action and it makes for a very enjoyable film.

What to say, great cast, action from start to finnish. If your mid 30s to early 40s then the connection of playing the game on your speccy or C64. It brinigs it all back. Great special effects and the movie flys in as well. Theres also humur through out as well. Not an in depth film but if yur looking for action then this is a good film to go see. :-)

Rampage is based on a video game which i didn't know until i search it up after seeing the trailer for the first time that got me interested. so far after see this movie yes it looks like a video game, but at least it has a story that makes sense the acting in this movie is great ,and even the effects. This movie is a entertaining movie for those who like action or even some time off. I give this movie a 10 for being everything I asked for it is like a Godzilla(Japanese movies) destruction movie which keeps kids wanting more destruction, so yes its a good movie to see. lets hope this is a new era of video game movies.

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